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Spinal manipulation performed by a Doctor of Chiropractic is safe (1,2,3), and is in fact safer than medical care for back pain (1).

Spinal manipulation is the most scientically tested treatment protocol for back pain (1).

Spinal manipulation is more effective than medical treatment for back pain. Conventional medical care is often unsafe, unproven or unscientific (1).

Chiropractic care costs less than medical care for back pain (1).

Numerous studies have demonstrated that patients are more satisfied with the care that they receive from a Doctor of Chiropractic, than from a Medical Doctor, for their back pain (1).

Joint immobility (vertebral subluxation) can lead to permanent damage in as little as two weeks: Journal of Clinical Biomechanics 1987 (2:223-229)   "The evidence in this review shows that immobilizing healthy joints in experimental animals can lead inexorably to arthritis. With respect to (human) patients, it can be postulated that immobilization (vertebral subluxation), for whatever cause, will initiate a pathogenic chain of musculoskeletal degenerative changes."..... "If the joint was stuck (subluxation) for even just one day a week for 14 weeks then the joint showed as much damage as if the joint was stuck (subluxated) for 14 days straight!"..... "if the immobility (subluxation) is not corrected within two weeks the osteoarthritis becomes permanent."  Dr. T. Videman (University of Alberta, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine)
Therefore, based on the best clinical information available today, a wellness program of care will give the best results with a weekly spinal check-up and the next best thing would be a check-up once every two weeks. Like anything in nature, the spine requires regular maintenance from birth and throughout life for an optimally functioning spine and nervous system. Without maintenance the spine and nervous system rapidly deteriorate. Maintain your spine with regular adjustments and it will last a lifetime.

A recent study proved that Chiropractic adjustments increase immune cell counts 48% in AIDS patients. (Chiropractic Research Journal, 1994; 3(1)) Another study by Ronald Pero, Ph.D. Chief of cancer prevention at NY Med. Institute found that  "Chiropractic patients had a 200% greater immuno-competance than non-chiropractic patients." Simply put, Chiropractic patients have a more effective immune system!!!

A new study of 332 children showed that Chiropractic care is the most effective treatment for EAR INFECTIONS. The study showed that children with histories of chronic ear infections under chiropractic care for 6 months had No More Infections in 80% of the cases. Chiropractic adjustments help the ear to properly drain and stimulate the immune system. With the cold and flu season coming, isn't it time to get the kids checked for subluxations to prevent ear infections from occurring? ( JCCP, Vol. 2, No. 2 1997)

ARLINGTON, Va., July 23/ PR Newswire.-- Senior citizens who receive Chiropractic care reported better overall health, fewer symptomatic chronic conditions, less days in hospitals and nursing homes and more mobility than elderly on-chiropractic patients, according to a new study conducted by the prestigious RAND Corp.

A study on the effects of PMS and Menstrual Problems showed concluded that Chiropractic care is an effective and safe non pharmacological alternative for relieving the pain and distress of primary dysmenorrhea. (JMPT 1992; 15(5):279)

Resent research conducted at the University of Calgary, demonstrated that neck adjustment is done well within the neck's normal range of motion; that no force is applied to arteries during an adjustment; and that arteries are not stretched during adjustment. (4)

Chiropractic care has longer lasting benefits than any other studied form of care for back pain (5).

Asthma. A 9-year-old girl was on asthma medication and inhalers for 7 years.  Her medication was causing headaches and stomach pains and was causing difficulty in school. After 3 months of care, she was off 5 of the 6 prescribed drugs.  Her teacher remarked about how the change had been so remarkable and the girl, when asked about her care said, "Chiropractic is awesome." (6)

Congenital torticollis. A two-month-old female presented with obstetrical brachial plexus injury (Erb's Palsy) who had been under the care of several medical pediatricians without resolution. The condition showed complete resolution under chiropractic care without any complications or residual impairments. (7)

Attention deficit disorder. A 12-year-old boy was diagnosed as ADD, with asthma and seizures. Positive personality change had been noted almost immediately at the beginning of spinal care and after 8 adjustments his parents had withdrawn all medication with the cooperation of their doctor. (8)

Bone Density Increases With Chiropractic Care: Can chiropractic make your bones stronger?  There was a recent study that looked at bone mineral density (BMD) in patients under chiropractic care for a year or more. In this 34-month study, 33 patients, all over the age of 21, had their bone mineral density  measured before care and after 1, 6, and 12 months of care. After 12 months of care, "Significant positive changes in BMD were noted in the majority of cases," including 3 cases that started with low BMD moving to the normal range. (9)

Hot Flashes
This is a report on a 55 year-old woman with a four year history of hot flashes related to natural menopause.  A distinct downward trend in the frequency of hot flashes is noted following intervention with cervical and upper thoracic adjusting. The patient's improvement was based on entries from the patient's diary and clinical records. (10)

Ear Infection
An upset father brought his 9-year-old son to a chiropractor. He had been having chronic ear infections since he was 3 that had been getting 'progressively worse' and had been on and off antibiotics at least every six weeks for the past six years. Five years prior tubes were put in his ears. The child was scheduled for another ear surgery and to have his swollen tonsils and adenoids removed. After the first chiropractic adjustment the boy stopped complaining about his ears. At a six week evaluation there was no ear effusion in either ear and his tonsils and adenoids were normal size. The ENT doctor cancelled surgery. After 5 months the child had no ear infections, no sore throats, no colds, no flu and has been on no medications."(11)

28 of a group of 53 headache sufferers received spinal care twice a week for three weeks.  The remaining 25 served as controls. The use of analgesics decreased by 36% in the spinal care group, but was unchanged in the control group.  The number of headache hours per day decreased by 69% and the headache intensity per episode decreased by 36%. (12)

Disc herniation corrected by chiropractic care
This is the case of a 34-year-old man suffering from severe neck, lower back and radiating pain for a year. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a herniated disc causing nerve damage. Medical specialists suggested surgery. Chiropractic analysis revealed a subluxation in his upper neck that chiropractic adjustments corrected. Within one month all subjective and objective findings improved dramatically. At a one-year follow-up his progress was maintained. Surgery was not necessary. (13 )

Spinal care and upper respiratory tract infections in children
In this study of over 4,600 children with upper respiratory tract infections, only 5% of cases that received spinal care developed any secondary complications. These results were superior to antibiotic therapy, with no side effects. The author writes, "It would seem unnecessary to use any therapy other than manipulative therapy." (14)

TMJ, head, neck and asthmatic symptoms in children
The authors' review of the literature and clinical studies leads them to state that headaches, neck aches, throat infections, ear infections, sinus congestion, and asthma can be caused by tension in the upper neck. (15)

1. The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain. Manga, P. et al. Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health. August 1993.
2. Report of the Commission of Inquiry (1979) Chiropractic in New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z.
3. Bigos, S. et al. Acute Low Back Problems in Adults: Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14. AHCPR Publication No. 95-0642. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. December 1994.
4. Internal forces sustained by the vertebral artery during spinal adjustment therapy, Herzog W, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Oct. 25(8): 504-20, 2002.
5. Meade, T.W. (1990) "Low back pain of mechanical origin: randomised comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient treatment", Br Med J, Vol. 300, pp. 1431-37.
6.   International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. June 1993.
7.   Hyman CA. Chiropractic adjustments and congenital torticollis with facial asymmetry: a case study. ICA Review. September/October 1996;41-45.
8.   Webster L. First report on ADD study.  Int'l Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter.  Jan. 1994.
9.   Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. September, 2002.
10. Cervicothoracic Subluxation and Hot Flashes in a Perimenopausal Subject: A Time- Series Case Report. Weber M, Masarsky CS Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research Volume 1 No. 2, 1996.
11. Bofshever H. Case history. ICPA Newsletter. Nov/Dec 1999.
12. The effect of spinal manipulation in the treatment of cervicogenic headache. Nilsson N, Christensen HW, Hartvigsen J. JMPT 1997; 20:326-330.
13. Eriksen K. Management of cervical disc herniation with upper cervical chiropractic care: a case study. JMPT. 1998;21(1):51-56.
14. Purse FM. Manipulative therapy of upper respiratory tract infections in children. J Am Osteopathic Assoc. 1966; 65(9): 964-972.
15. Gillespie BR, Barnes JF. Journal of Craniomandibular Practice.1990;8(4).

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